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Max close to World Series title after double win in USA

Published on 04 August 2010 by Niels Hendrix

Another great result for the CRG-Maxter Official Team in the "WSK World Series" in the second out of three events of the season, which took place in the USA on the hard and demanding circuit "F1 New Jersey" of Millville, in the beautiful complex of the New Jersey Motorsports Park. The track, quite narrow, anti-clockwise and with several ups and downs, strained the drivers physically but, in the same time, exalted the qualities of the CRG chassis and the competiveness of the Maxter engine, absolutely the most performing of all.

Max wins both the prefinal and the final in USA!

Podium: 2nd Jordi Oriola Vila, 1st Max Verstappen, 3th Tristan DeGrand

The "All Black" drivers of the Italian team literally swept the board, especially in KF3, where the CRG's triumph was undisputed both in the prefinal and in the final.
In KF3 the very young Dutch driver Max Verstappen confirmed his leadership in the category, after conquering the Euro Series Championship. Verstappen was always among the best drivers, and eventually managed to win both the pre-final and the final. With this double success, Verstappen is battling for the championship, being 47 points ahead of the Rumanian Visoiu (Tony Kart) and 63 of the Spanish Oriola (FA Kart), who was a tough rival in the Amercan race.

Niels Hendrix