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Max about WSK Master Series La Conca

Published on 04 March 2011 by Niels Hendrix

After the Winter Cup in Lonato, the CRG Racing Team moved to La Conca for the opening round of the WSK Master Series. In the absence of its KZ official drivers, it was Max Verstappen's turn to galvanize the team with his amazing performances. Though not everything went smoothly for the young Dutch driver during the weekend, his incredible recovery in the final race from 20th to 3rd filled observers with enthusiasm and pushed all the problems that had marked the meeting to the background. Needless to say, he was by far the fastest driver on track.

"I was already fast in wet weather conditions, I set the 4th best time and won two qualifying heats" explained the champion "but it went even better on a dry track on Sunday. The pre-final was very nervous and my chassis suffered. Luckily, I was able to catch up in the final race and now I am more than confident in my equipment as far as the rest of the season is concerned".

Niels Hendrix