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Max Verstappen wins first round of WSK Master Series at La Conca

Published on 05 February 2013 by Niels Hendrix

The 2013 WSK Season started in the best way possible. International karting met in Muro Leccese for the first racing weekend of the season of the WSK Master Series, which this year has in schedule four rounds on the most important racetracks in Italy. The stand of the circuit was once again crowded: this circuit has definitely become the reference point for all the southern Italian fans.

At the La Conca track Max Verstappen (CRG-TM-Dunlop) was unbeatable in KZ2, where he won even in Sundays Final 2 after winning Final 1 on Saturday. This time the die-hard rivals of the young Dutch driver were the Italian Paolo De Conto (Birel-TM-Dunlop) and the Czech Patrik Hajek (Praga-Parilla-Dunlop), who completed the podium after pursuing the leader for the whole race.

The next appointment of the WSK Series is scheduled for next 7th April in Sarno (Salerno), but next month on 3rd March, in Muro Leccese there is the first round of the WSK Euro Series.

Niels Hendrix