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Hi folks, we're back from Italy where ...

Published on 30 September 1996 by Verstappen Info Page

Hi folks, we're back from Italy where we have spent our holiday the last two weeks. During this time Marc van Beelen of the VIP team has kept our site up-to-date. Thank you Marc!

Although we get a lot (and we really mean a lot!) of questions about Jos' seat for next year we can't answer it, simply because nothing is sure at this moment. We can say though that Jos still is one of the favourite drivers alongside Hill for a seat at TWR Arrows but there are still other options. If an announcement is made we will be the first to publish it.

Another source of speculation is the engine (Yamaha, Ford, Hart, ...) for TWR Arrows for next year. The same goes here. Nothing is sure at this moment so everything you hear is purely speculative. TWR Arrows has declared that "An announcement regarding TWR Arrows' technical partners will be made before the Japanese Grand Prix in two weeks time.". And again: if something is announced we will publish it first.

For you early viewers of our page, we have noticed that starting Sunday morning around 03:00 am, our page has not been reachable for a couple of hours. This problem has occurred the last few weeks but we are working on the problem, and hope to solve it as soon as possible.

Don't forget to join our last race contest this season. Just fill in the form and make a chance in winning a Philips car stereo or one of the two games from MABN Computer Hardware.